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Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

#13. Modal Auxiliaries

Pengertian Modal Auxiliary

Modal Auxiliary atau sering dikenal juga dengan istilah Secondary Auxiliary Verbs merupakan kata kerja bantu yang memberikan arti tambahan pada Main Verbs dalam kalimat, seperti menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi (futurity), menunjukkan nasihat (advice), menunjukkan kewajiban (duty), menunjukkan kemungkinan (probability) dan lain sebagainya.

Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary

Yang termasuk dalam Modal Auxiliary yaitu : shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought, need, dare dan used. Saya akan membahas satu persatu dari Modal Auxiliary beserta penggunaan dalam kalimat.


Shall bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  • Kejadian yang akan dilakukan (futurity) dalam sebuah kalimat.
    Contoh :
    – I shall go to Jakarta tomorrow. (Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta besok).
  • Digunakan untuk membuat penawaran atau menawarkan sesuatu.
    Contoh :
     Shall I make coffee for you ?. (Bolehkah saya membuatkan kopi untuk Anda?).
  • Digunakan untuk membuat saran.
    Contoh :
     Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow ?. (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke kebun binatang besok?).
  • Digunakan untuk menyatakan kewajiban.
    – Every citizen shall pay the tax. (Setiap penduduk harus membayar pajak)


Should merupakan bentuk past tense dari kata Shall dan biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  • Should sebagai bentuk past tense dari shall, penggunaan should ini sering kita jumpai dalam kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech).
    Contoh :
    – She said that I should visit her tomorrow. (Dia bilang bahwa saya akan mengunjunginya besok).
  • Fungsi should berikutnya adalah untuk menyatakan sebuah nasehat (advice).
    Contoh :
    – You should eat more fruit. (Anda harus lebih banyak makan buah-buahan)
  • Untuk membentuk kalimat yang menunjukkan kewajiban (duty).
    Contoh :
    – You should pay your debt. (Anda harus membayar hutangmu).
  • Should juga bisa menunjukkan sebuah kemungkinan (probability).
    Contoh :
    – If it should rain, I will stay at home. (Jika hari hujan, Saya akan tinggal dirumah).
  • Membuat pengandaian untuk waktu yang akan datang.
    Contoh :
     Should she fall, she shall notify me. (Seandainya dia gagal, dia akan memberitahu saya).


Will digunakan untuk menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  • Will digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang akan dilakukan (futurity).
    Contoh :
    – I will buy a new car tomorrow. (Saya akan membeli sebuah mobil baru besok).
  • Untuk menunjukkan keinginan atau kemauan.
    Contoh :
    – I will help you. (Saya akan membantu Anda).
  • Untuk menyatakan kebenaran abadi (timeless truth).
    Contoh :
    – The stone will sink in the water. (Batu akan tenggelam di dalam air).


Would merupakan bentuk past tense dari will dan digunakan untuk menyatakan hal-hal berikut :
  • Menyatakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan pada masa lampau.
    Contoh :
    – When she was a girl, her mother would tell her stories. (Ketika dia masih kecil, Ibunya suka bercerita kepadanya).
  • Untuk memperhalus/mempersopan suatu permohonan.
    Contoh :
     Would you mind helping me ?. (Maukah Anda menolong saya ?).
  • Menunjukkan karakter seseorang yang telah diduga sebelumnya.
    Contoh :
    – Every morning she would go for a long walk. (Setiap pagi dia akan pergi untuk berjalan-jalan).


Can yang berarti “bisa” dalam Bahasa Indonesia dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  • Menyatakan kemampuan atau kemahiran (ability) seseorang.
     Can you speak Mandarin ?. (Apakah anda bisa berbahasa Mandarin ?)
  • Menyatakan permintaan ijin.
    Contoh :
    – You can ask me a personal question. (Anda bisa bertanya soal pribadi kepada saya).
  • Menyatakan kemungkinan.
    Contoh :
    – You can be a millionaire. (Anda bisa menjadi seorang jutawan).
NB : Can juga digunakan untuk (Main Verbs) yang berarti mengalengkan atau memasukkan dalam kaleng. Contoh :
– They are canning potatoes. (Mereka sedang mengalengkan kentang).


Could merupakan bentuk lampau dari Can yang digunakan untuk menyatakan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
  • Menyatakan kemampuan atau kemahiran (ability) seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu.
    Contoh :
    I could play football when I was a kid.. (Saya bisa bermain bola ketika saya masih kecil).
  • Menyatakan permintaan ijin untuk kalimat yang lebih sopan.
    Contoh :
    Could I see your identity card ?. (Bolehkan saya melihat kartu identitas anda ?).


#12. Letters of complaint

1. Letters of complaint

Write a complaint letter.

Always try to resolve a problem with a business before seeking help from the ACCC. You can do this by speaking directly with the salesperson or manager or if this fails, by writing a complaint letter or email.
What to incluede in a complaint letter
When writing a complaint letter you should:
  • describe your problem and the outcome you want
  • include key dates, such as when you purchased the goods or services and when the problem occurred
  • identify what action you’ve already taken to fix the problem and what you will do if you and the seller cannot resolve the problem
  • ask for a response within a reasonable time
  • attach a copy of any supporting relevant documentation such as a receipt or invoice.
Complaint letter template
Below is a complaint letter template. You can use this outline, or our email template(link sends e-mail), to help you write a complaint letter (although you may wish to vary it to fit your particular problem).
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Email and/or phone]
Dear Manager
State that you have a problem with goods or services bought from the business at a particular location and date and that you want the problem fixed.
Explain the key details of the problem including when you discovered it and any other steps you’ve already taken to get it fixed, such as a telephone call or a visit to the store. Note who you spoke to and any results of your efforts.
State that you have enclosed copies of relevant documents, such as a receipt of bank statement for proof of purchase.
State the steps you want the business to take to fix the problem.
State that you expect to hear from the business with a solution by [insert date or within 10 days]. Describe what you intend to do if the business fails to fix the problem—such as making a formal complaint to the ACCC or the consumer protection agency in your state or territory.
List your business and after hours contact details.
Yours sincerely
[Your name]
Enclosed: Copy of the receipt for [insert name of product or service]

Complaint Letter Exampe
Below is an example of a possible finished letter using the complaint letter template.
Jane Brown
123 Street

1 January 2013
Dear Manager
I am unhappy with the quality of a television cabinet I bought at 5 Street on 15 December and I am writing to seek a replacement.
The cabinet doors do not open and shut properly and the stain on the cabinet is uneven, with one half darker than the other. The cabinet was delivered on 30 December and I noticed this problem as soon as I unpacked it from the box.
The cabinet  is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I was shown in store. I would like you to replace it with one of the same quality and finish as the sample and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost.
I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.
I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please. If I do not hear from you within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with Consumer Affairs in my state.
You can contact me on 1234 5678 during working hours or after hours on 123 456 789 to discuss this matter further.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Brown

2. Replies to letters of complaint

Accepting a Complaint
Rejecting a Complaint
    • Thank you for your letter of … regarding / concerning / in connection with …
    • I refer to your letter of … about / relating to …
    • We must apologise for …
    • We sincerely apologise for …
    • Please accept our apologies for …
    • I would like to apologise for the error made by our company in (verb+ing)
    • We agree that the usual high standards of our products / services were not met in this instance.
    • Introductory phrase
      • As a result of our investigation, we found that... (Not: After our investigation...)
    • Causes
      • The error was caused by … / was due to …
      • Apparently, the problem was the result of … / resulted from …
      • The cause of / reason for the mistake was …
    • Effects
      • As a result …
      • This led to …
      • Consequently …
    • Solutions
      • We have modified / changed our ...
      • We have implemented a system to...
      • To prevent re-occurrences we have set up a verification procedure.
    • Assurances
      • We assure you that this will not happen again.

o    We are currently investigating the cause of ...
o    We will investigate the cause of...
    • As a gesture of our regret, we are prepared to …/ we are willing to …/ we would like to …
    • To show goodwill, we will …
    • We have dispatched the new items by express courier. They should arrive by Monday, 23 May 2016.
    • To show our goodwill, we would like to offer you a 5% discount on your next order with us.
    • While we can understand your frustration, ...
    • We understand how disappointing it can be when your expectations are not met.
    • I regret to inform you that …
    • I am afraid that …
    • Unfortunately, I must point out that …
    • This is because the guarantee period has expired.
    • This is due to the fact that the guarantee period has expired.
If a third party (another person or organisation) is to blame, direct the complainer to that party
    • We therefore suggest that you contact...
    • We look forward to receiving your further orders, and assure you that they will be filled correctly / promptly.

Example Letters
Everlong Batteries
171 Choi Hung Road
Hung Hon, Hong Kong
Tel/Fax 2235 2449
18 May 2016 

Mr J Wong
Purchasing Officer
Fortune Goods
317 Orchard Road

Dear Mr Wong
Order No. 2639/L
Please accept our apologies for the error made by our company in filling your order no. 2639/L dated Friday, 13 May 2016.
You ordered 12,000 size Ultra super-long-life premium batteries, but our dispatch office sent 1,200. This was due to a typing error.
The balance of 10,800 batteries was dispatched by express courier to your store this morning and will arrive by Thursday, 26 May 2016.
Since we value your business, we would like to offer you a 10% discount off your next order with us.
We look forward to receiving your further orders and assure you that they will be filled correctly.
Yours sincerely
   David Choi
David Choi
Distributions Manager

Everlong Batteries
171 Choi Hung Road
Hung Hon, Hong Kong
Tel/Fax (852) 2235 2449
18 May 2016 

Mr J Wong
Purchasing Officer
Fortune Goods
317 Orchard Road

Dear Mr Wong
Order No. 2639/L
Thank you for your letter of Friday, 13 May 2016 regarding your order no. 2639/L. We understand that this is a difficult situation for you.
We have investigated the situation, and found that you ordered 12,00 size Ultra super-long-life premium batteries. Please see the enclosed copy of your order form. Our dispatch office therefore sent 1,200.
If you need the remaining batteries urgently, the balance of 10,800 batteries can be dispatched today by express courier to your store and would arrive byThursday, 26 May 2016.
Please phone me at the number given above if you would like to order these batteries.
We look forward to receiving your further orders.
Yours sincerely
   David Choi
David Choi
Distributions Manager
- Order Form No. 2639/L


#11. Orders

1.              Confirmation of an order

Sample Confirmation of The Receipt of Order Letter

Getting to write a good receipt order confirmation letter

Once you have ordered goods from a particular store you will probably receive a confirmation letter n your orders. So this goes out to those companies starting business and looking for the best tips on writing a receipt of ordere letter to confirm goods ordered by your customer. While you will have to keep in consideration the following tips as stated below.


·         Formal – The letter to be written is formal, so it should be in a serious tone. It should a direct tone while writing to the consumer.

·         Dates – While writing the confirmation letter you should inform the recipient the dates you will be delivering there goods that they ordered form you.

·         Record – Show a reccord of the items bought that is the quantitiy and also the total price of the good ordered. Before writing the records, ensure first that you have informed the customer that you have received the payments on the goods.

·         Short and Precise – Be brief as you jot down the letter and make sure to go straight to the point and not to write logn unnecessary stories.



Mrs. Wendy Jhonson

Physical address: Nairobi, Kenya

P.O.BOX 62000-00200, Nairobi

5 May 2009.


Subject Letter of Confirming receipt of order.


To Win,


Dear Mrs. Winy,

This is a letter o confirm that you received the ordered for the following good that you purchased.


Item Purchased.


2.                  32’ Television

3.                  5 Piece carpet

4.                  Dish washer

5.                  Dining table

6.                  Matress


And we also write to inform you that we received the payments of the good which is total it KsHs 250.000 in form of a cheque on the 5 of June.


The items above will be deliveried within this week to where you had specified. Along with the delieveried attached documents necessary document will be attached with each item purchased.


Thank you for doing business with us. If there is any issue or you require clarification please contact us.




John Peter 



2. A letter of apology
Here are examples of an apology where  you did not err:
I just learned from Tom that the rescheduling of our annual meeting affected your vacation plans.  We have four new products launching next year, and these will be presented at the meeting. I’m sure the scheduling was a disappointment for you, but I know the information will be very useful for you, and we need your expertise in the field next year.
I am sorry the reconstruction requires your department to share printing and copying resources for the next two months. It will cause delays for you during construction, so please accommodate this in your planning. Once the construction is complete, we’ll have 40% capacity increase, so the inconvenience is well worth it.
Here is an example of an apology where there is a need to admit liability:
Dear Suki:
I am sorry I missed your meeting this morning. I know I was scheduled to provide the staffing costs of your proposal, and I’m sorry I let you down.
As I mentioned when I called, my babysitter was ill and could not work, and my husband is out of town. I had to wait until my sister could arrive to babysit before I could leave for work.
I have emailed my staffing cost analysis to everyone in the meeting, and explained my absence and how this data supports your proposal. If there is anything else I can do to make up for my absence at your proposal, please let me know.
Please accept my apology.
We all want to avoid unpleasant situations, but sending a note indicates you take the liability seriously, and are truly sorry. It conveys a sincerity that a simple phone call does not.
When you overstep, and say things you regret:
Dear Ashok:
I am sorry I overreacted yesterday to the news of my project team’s restructuring. I apologize for making inappropriate assumptions about your decision.
I realize since we talked that I depend on Caroline’s participation, and don’t want to lose her enthusiasm and expertise on my team. You are correct that she is ready for larger company projects.
I regret my comments, and you have my promise to fully support the team restructure. Please accept my apology.
I’ve heard executives say they never want to document any errors in writing, but I disagree. Instead, this documents Kara’s realization and apology, in addition to enhancing her business relationship with Ashok.
Some Guidelines:
·         Overtly state you are sorry.  “I apologize.” “I’m sorry.” “I regret.”
·         Ask the reader to accept your apology.
·         Summarize what happened, to reflect your understanding.
·         Offer remedies, if this is needed.
·         Address only the apology in your note. Keep it to this one subject.
·         Don’t infer your reader was also to blame. Not: “I only wish you had been more clear my attendance was needed.” Address only your own actions.
·         Don’t blame anyone else. Not: “My team leader was unclear with his instructions, so I thought I was to present next week, not this week.”
·         Don’t globalize the issue. Apologize for this situation, at this time. Not: “I’m sorry I was late, but you rarely start meetings on time. I thought I would arrive before the meeting started.”
·         Most importantly, don’t use the common “sorry, but” formula. It’s insincere and makes you look angry. Not: “I’m sorry I overreacted, but you were not clear about your instructions.”

3. An Insurance claim

Sample Letter for an Insurance Claim

Mrs. Wendy Jhonson

Physical address: Nairobi, Kenya

P.O.BOX 62000-00200, Nairobi

5 May 2009.


To Insurace Departement


Dear Dir,

This is regarding the insurance claim for my car, My policy number is 9981234***

The Details of the accident are as given below:

I parked my vehicle in the parking area at my office. Unfortunately a delivery truck tried to park between two cars and hit my car from behind. The body form behind got smashed.

When I realized I immediately contacted your customer care and gave the details. I chechked all my insurance papers and realized that I am eligible for a claim of . . . . . . . Your Company sent a representative and field the report and they told that they will call me soon.

Regarding the insurance and will get the feedback from the company at the earliest, I would like to bring your notice that I didn’t get any correspondence from the company yet in spite of my reminders for last ten days.

Kindly look it and expecting a positive response at the earliest.

Thanking you.




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